Storekeeper @ Northeast (Office hours , Expanding MNC, Up to $2100/month)
$ 1,800 - $ 1,800 / month
Checking job availability...
14 Days AL + ML + Medical Coverage
Dress down attire
Fast Expanding Company
Many OT to earn from
Lots of career progression
Highly Convertible & Extendable
Job Scope:
- Handling the receiving and putting of goods
- Updating details into system
- Packing of orders for clients & Quality Checking
- Other adhoc assigned
If keen, kindly send details to wa.me/6582888509
- Name
- Residential address
- Copy of your resume
- Commitment period
More jobs @ https://t.me/jobsforjio
EA Personnel Name: Estele Chai
EA Personnel No: R23117142
EA License No: 04C3537
Dress down attire
Fast Expanding Company
Many OT to earn from
Lots of career progression
Highly Convertible & Extendable
Job Scope:
- Handling the receiving and putting of goods
- Updating details into system
- Packing of orders for clients & Quality Checking
- Other adhoc assigned
If keen, kindly send details to wa.me/6582888509
- Name
- Residential address
- Copy of your resume
- Commitment period
More jobs @ https://t.me/jobsforjio
EA Personnel Name: Estele Chai
EA Personnel No: R23117142
EA License No: 04C3537