Research Engineer
Salary undisclosed
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- Participate in and manage the research project with Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI and the research team members to ensure all project deliverables are met.
- Undertake these responsibilities in the project:
- Project management
- Set up and perform protein engineering experiments.
- Mentor students in project team
- Report writing and literature research
- Carry out Risk Assessment, and ensure compliance with Work, Safety and Health Regulations.
- Coordinate procurement and liaison with vendors/suppliers.
- Work independently, as well as within a team, to ensure proper operation and maintenance of equipment.
- Have deep, hands-on competence in the areas of protein engineering work involving molecular biology, protein expression, characterisation and aseptic techniques.
- Ideally have at least 3 years of work experience in the protein engineering related research environment.
- Have a degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering, human cell biology or related fields.
- Good project management skills.
- Excellent writing, communication and interpersonal skills.
- Singapore
- Singapore
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Times Higher Education
- Participate in and manage the research project with Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI and the research team members to ensure all project deliverables are met.
- Undertake these responsibilities in the project:
- Project management
- Set up and perform protein engineering experiments.
- Mentor students in project team
- Report writing and literature research
- Carry out Risk Assessment, and ensure compliance with Work, Safety and Health Regulations.
- Coordinate procurement and liaison with vendors/suppliers.
- Work independently, as well as within a team, to ensure proper operation and maintenance of equipment.
- Have deep, hands-on competence in the areas of protein engineering work involving molecular biology, protein expression, characterisation and aseptic techniques.
- Ideally have at least 3 years of work experience in the protein engineering related research environment.
- Have a degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering, human cell biology or related fields.
- Good project management skills.
- Excellent writing, communication and interpersonal skills.
- Singapore
- Singapore
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Times Higher Education