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vTradEx Information Technology PTE. LTD.

Founded by : Meng-Huai Chen, 1 January 2001

501 to 1000 employees

About the Company

vTradEx was founded in 2001 and is considered the top provider of intelligent cloud solutions that redefine supply chain execution for global organizations operating in China. Their goal is to empower the enterprise supply chain by utilizing cloud technology for logistics digital transformation and enabling businesses to make better, more responsive supply chain decisions. Over 1200 of the world's leading companies, including CPG, retail, pharmaceuticals, apparel and fashion, automotive, high-tech, manufacturing, and logistics companies, have used vTradEx's TMS platform to support the transportation ecosystem, as well as their WMS for highly automated warehouses. By bringing this ecosystem of shippers, carriers, and logistics service providers to the cloud, vTradEx enables end-to-end visibility, connectivity, and efficiency for trading partners. This helps their customers cut costs and gain an unparalleled advantage. vTradEx received Honorable Mentions in the Gartner Magic Quadrant Survey for TMS, WMS, and YMS software on a global scale.

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, vTradEx Information Technology PTE. LTD.’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Information Technology
  • Industry group: Software & Services
  • Industry: IT Services
  • Sub-Industry: IT Consulting & Other Services
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Company Address

120 ROBINSON ROAD , #13-01 , SINGAPORE (068913).

Source : Google maps