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Career Guide Tips for Remote Work that will Help You Thrive

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Tips for Remote Work that will Help You Thrive

Looking to thrive in remote work? Check out these 8 important tips that will make your work-from-home experience enjoyable. From setting a routine to creating a dedicated workspace, we've got you covered.

Elly Santi

Updated Jun 4, 2024

Tips for Remote Work that will Help You Thrive

In recent years, the number of remote workers has continued to increase, largely influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. Statistics show that by May 2020, the number of remote workers in the US had increased by approximately 48.7 million.

The emergence of remote work has prompted both companies and employees to adapt to large-scale remote work. Employees need to equip themselves with office supplies and virtual tools. As this trend has gained momentum, several virtual collaboration companies have experienced an increase in daily active users. For instance, Microsoft Teams saw its number of daily active users rise from 270 million in 2022 to 300 million in 2023.

Now that we understand the impact of remote work, it's clear that working remotely involves integrating technology to create a conducive working space. But is that all? If you’re new to this, you're probably curious about how you can survive in a fully remote work environment.

In this article, we'll discuss eight important tips that will contribute to making your remote work more interesting. Let’s dive in.

1. Establish a routine

Set a consistent daily routine to create structure in your remote work life. Having a clear structure may help ease you through the day. You can create an hour-by-hour schedule that aligns with your task priorities.

This can help you outline the days and times you should set aside to complete certain tasks. Also, consider the following tips for establishing your routine:

  • Maintain regular hours: Determine your regular work hours and stick to them to maintain a work-life balance.
  • Schedule breaks: Familiarize yourself with your company's break policy and schedule accordingly to give yourself adequate rest and maintain wellness.
  • Set ground rules with the people in your space: If you share a space with others, negotiate and communicate certain work boundaries to help you prepare for work.

2. Have dedicated workspace

Some people said that working remotely has made them stressed and overwhelmed, with distractions being a significant factor. To help you navigate remote work successfully, it's crucial to have a dedicated workspace.

This doesn’t necessarily mean replicating your office at home. Creating a dedicated workspace involves separating your leisure and work areas.

Simply gather all your peripherals and equipment in one designated space; when you're in this space, it signals that you're ready for work. You can also adopt this approach by creating separate user accounts for personal and work purposes.

By doing so, you can minimize distractions and prevent personal and work matters from overlapping. In addition to this tip, you can also:

  • Consider your workspace: You have the flexibility to choose your workspace. You may opt to work from a designated area at home, utilize a nearby coworking space, or work from a local coffee shop.
  • Declutter your workspace: Maintain a clean and organized workspace to encourage a fresh mindset and positive mood while working.

3. Assess technology and tools

It’s important to invest in reliable tech, tools, and peripherals when you’re working remotely. Since you’re entrusted to work outside the office, you need to maintain your performance and productivity. One of the many ways to achieve this is by investing in tools or equipment that can support you.

For instance, you may consider using a stable WIFI connection since most remote work requires an internet connection to submit your work to the office. Additionally, you may find a headphone with excellent noise cancellation and a clean mic helpful when participating in webinars.

4. Determine your work style

Since remote work limits you from face-to-face meetings, you need to figure out the most effective way to get the work done. One way to do this is by determining your work style.

How do you usually react to the brief given by your manager? Do you prefer to do an initial quick check together in person, or can you work on it by yourself and discuss it with your manager later?

Understanding your work style and preferences can optimize your remote work experience. Whether you thrive in a structured environment or prefer flexibility, tailor your approach to suit your needs.

5. Communicate proactively (it's okay to overcommunicate!)

Communication is key in remote work settings. When you’re working remotely, it’s important to communicate your progress even before your teammates ask you.

This doesn’t mean that you have to write long paragraphs about your daily progress and inform your availability. Increase the frequency when you mention something. Sometimes, people are too busy to remember, so it’s better not to expect them to remember but instead remind them.

Logically, when you’re not in the office, you may not see your manager as often as other workers. This may make you less visible than onsite workers.

By actively communicating, you can maintain good relations and keep yourself in your manager's mind. So, be sure to keep your team updated on your progress, ask questions when needed, and actively participate in virtual meetings and discussions.

6. Clarify expectations and set boundaries

Clearly communicate expectations with your team and set boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

If you’re working outside the office and there’s a misunderstanding, it may be difficult for you to handle it since you rely so much on electronic communication. To set clear expectations and boundaries, you can:

  • Overdeliver on your tasks and responsibilities: Don't wait until your manager asks about your progress; keep them informed and provide updates on your work regularly.
  • Ask for what you need: What do you need from your employer? Clearly ask them for it and negotiate to find the best solution that works for both of you.

7. Take regular breaks

Focusing on the screen for hours not only causes your eyes to become exhausted, but it can also affect your overall physical and mental well-being.

Set regular breaks, whether short or a bit longer. It’s important to take a rest after staring at a screen for hours. Simply take a break of about 15 to 25 minutes. For a longer break, you may consider some ideas to recharge during your breaks, such as:

  • Going for walks
  • Doing exercises
  • Meditating
  • Doing one of your favorite hobbies
  • Relaxing and taking care of yourself

8. Take advantage of your perks and have fun

Now that you’ve entered the realm of remote working, you already know the pros and cons you face. Find a middle ground; anything that helps you enjoy it.

You can take advantage of the flexibility in your schedule by using half of your day to play with your kids or attend a cooking class you’ve always wanted since you first started working. Embrace the perks and don’t forget to have fun along the way.

Working remotely can be tricky, but each worker may have a distinct and unique experience of it. Whatever you want it to be, the control is in your hands.

Take your own measures and find your own recipe for effective and interesting remote work. In this state, the only one you should compete with is yourself. Keep yourself motivated through a clear vision and make it real through consistency. You've got this!

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Elly Santi

SEO Content Writer

Elly has over 4 years of experience in crafting compelling and engaging content. Currently freelancing at Epicareer as a Content Writer, Elly has also worked with various clients and organizations, including IDwebhost, Altha Consulting, and Komunitas Penulis.

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Career Development

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